MBA-Programme als Wachstumsfaktor
70% der MBA Studenten studieren mit Förderung der Arbeitgeber so die Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. MBA-Studiengänge sind ein bedeutendes ökonomisches Standbein der Hochschulen in Großbritannien geworden.
It is worth noting that, compared with the fact that, in 1999/2000, 12.5% of all undergraduates studied Business and Management, 17% of all postgraduates (around 70,000 participants) were studying on one of the 2,000 programmes in B and M. Of these approximately 33,000 were studying for an MBA by a variety of study routes resulting in around 12,000 MBA graduates in 2000. The MBA is sufficiently highly regarded by UK and international employers that approximately 70% of participants were sponsored to a greater or lesser extent by their employers. Finally over 19,000 overseas students studied for a B and M Masters award in 2000 generating £500M of overseas earnings. Since these degrees are so highly thought of by UK employers and in overseas markets, it is highly appropriate to establish firm standards for them. Quelle: Masters awards in business and management, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2002.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Detlev Kran
Leiter der Geschäftsstelle
-------- FIBAA - Qualitätssicherung beim Bachelor und Master ----------
--------- Akkreditiert vom deutschen Akkreditierungsrat -----------
-------- Mitglied beim European Quality Link (EQUAL)und --------
---- European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ----
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