St. Gallen Symposium - Die Gedanken einer neuen Generation zur Welt in der Krise
Das St. Gallen Symposium ist eine einzigartige Plattform, die 200 herausragenden Studierenden aus aller Welt die Möglichkeit bietet, in den Dialog mit den heutigen Entscheidungsträgern zu treten. Die Studierenden qualifizieren sich über den St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award, einem globalen Essaywettbewerb mit 1000 Einsendungen aus 60 Ländern.
In Zeiten der Krise und Unsicherheit, bietet das St. Gallen Symposium jungen, neuen Stimmen die Möglichkeit sich zu äussern und ihre Ideen und Visionen Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik zu präsentieren. Auch dieses Jahr wurde eine Vielzahl von bereichernden Gedanken zum Thema "The Revival of Political and Economic Boundaries" eingereicht. Gerne präsentieren wir Ihnen die drei diesjährigen Gewinner des St. Gallen Wings of Excel-lence Award, die alle einen stark unterschiedlichen Hintergrund mitbringen:
Shofwan Al-Banna Choiruzzad (Indonesien)
Shofwan Al-Banna Choiruzzad studiert an der Graduate School of International Relations an der Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan. Im Jahr 2006 wurde er als Best Student of Indone-sia vom Bildungsministerium der Republik Indonesien ausgezeichnet.
Zitate aus dem Essay:
It is time to learn from the East. In the Western tradition, "rights" are the central theme (take "Human Rights", "political rights", "economic rights", etc. for example). (...)In the East, it is a little bit different: "Harmony" is the central theme. To maintain harmony, responsibility comes first, and the rights will follow. Before asking people our rights, it is important to demonstrate responsibility for others (...). Sometimes, business actors are creating CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) based on international discourse or the advices from high-paid consultants, but forget to be sensitive toward the notion of "insider/outsider".(...) Thus, the key is simple: Be sensitive toward boundaries, realise our position as outsider, hear the concern of the insiders, engage posi-tively and create harmony. By doing so, the insecurity and fear created by the outside/inside difference will be minimised. The geopolitical trend, accompanied with the global economic crisis, seems to revive boundaries. We can also see it in two ways: obstacle or chance. To make it a positive chance, one should be aware of the nature of boundaries: it emerges from fear and insecurity. Be wise and hear the ones inside the boundaries. A bridge will be there.
Jason George (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Jason George ist MBA Student an der Harvard Business School und hat einen Abschluss der Boston School of Business Administration. Er hat für die Weltbank in Washington an einem Wettbewerb für Social Entrepreneurs gearbeitet.
Zitate aus dem Essay:
Most executives seem to have dropped the notion of "government as the problem" as they clamour for additional support. But corporations should be wary, as this protection does not come without cost. When considering the balance between retreat and exploration, remember that engagement
will help global businesses understand the new rules of the game, allowing them to compete more effectively in the future. Crisis is opportunity, and companies should err on the side of action. Short term fixes can only ensure temporary survival - sustainable competitive advantage requires long-term investment. Managers should see beyond temporary swings, making de-cisions based on the markets they expect to compete in. The global stock meltdown may even alleviate pressure to show quarterly results, since such metrics are no longer compara-ble to those of prior years.
Aris Trantidis (Griechenland)
Aris Trantidis studiert Recht und Politik an der London School of Economics and Political Sci-ence. Zuvor war er Praktikant bei der Forschungsassistenz der griechischen Regierung und der Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in Athen.
Zitate aus dem Essay:
If liberty and prosperity remain at the heart of our preferences, we must be aware that the temporary urge for more state intervention at home shall open up the possibility for arbitrary and discriminatory treatment of business by the government. This would entail the risk of sub-ordinating social groups to relations of dependency on the government. Freer markets allow groups to get the bargaining power and the resources to push for the rule of law and for accountable and limited government. Over the years civil society has achieved tremendous political change principally by its convincing argument of economic effi ciency, or by invoking human rights and constitutional freedoms - the very principles of the original lib-eral settlement - but most signifi cantly thanks to the resources it has had when taking part in the battle of ideas.
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