International Conference on Shared Parenting: Bonn, Germany, 9-11 July 2014 - Call for Papers
Bridging the Gap between Empirical Evidence and Socio-Legal Practice: The International Conference on Shared Parenting 2014 will gather delegates from across the world at the “Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn” on 9-11 July 2014 to discuss responses to the alarming increase in psycho-social and developmental problems among children whose parents are living apart. The event will be jointly chaired by the President of the newly established International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP), Prof. Edward Kruk, MSW, PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada, and the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the conference, Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Sünderhauf, Lutheran University Nuremberg, Germany.
Experts in the field of shared parenting – both from science and family professions – are invited to present their research results and practical experience at the interdisciplinary conference under the theme “Bridging the Gap between Empirical Evidence and Socio-Legal Practice”. The conference language is English, simultaneous translation will be provided in English, French and German.
The International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) was founded on 22 February 2014 in Bonn, Germany, by leading research scientists, family professionals and representatives of civil society from 11 countries as a non-profit organization focusing on the feasibility of shared parenting as a viable and beneficial solution for children. The purpose of the association is first, the dissemination and advancement of scientific knowledge on the needs and rights (“best interests”) of children whose parents are living apart, and second, to formulate evidence-based recommendations about the legal, judicial and practical implementation of shared parenting.
For further information, please visit the conference website:
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