Use your Voice: Financial institute optimizes customer communications with speech analytics
From research into the market: Best practice examples for the use of EML speech technology (part 1) – booth and live demos at the CCW fair in Berlin, February 21-23, 2017
Communications in today’s call centers involve countless telephone conversations and interaction between customers and agents. Analyzing the interaction with customers has thus become increasingly important. This is why Italian company GERI HDP decided years ago to put its trust in a solution made in Germany: the Workforce Optimization (WFO) Suite produced by ASC Technologies AG. Based in Milan with more than 600 employees, GERI HDP is a finance company specializing in credit and risk management. By employing ASC’s quality management and speech analysis solution, the Milanese company derives important information from customer communications that enables it to train its staff more efficiently and improve internal processes. The solution for 140 workplaces was integrated in the existing IT infrastructure at GERI HDP’s own Contact Center.
Relevant feedback to the entire company
“Introducing our highly-developed WFO solutions has worked wonders at GERI HDP because it delivers relevant feedback to the entire company,” explains Marco Müller, COO of ASC. “The speech analytics help to identify the most interesting conversations in order to train employees accordingly and improve internal processes. The whole company benefits and – most important – so do the customers who get better service.”
Tailor-made speech analytics
ASC bases its speech analytics on EML speech technology using Italian language components. With EML’s Language Model Workplace it was possible to tailor the speech analysis to GERI-HPD’s requirements. “Particularly in contact centers with high call volumes and an almost inconceivable number of interactions, speech analysis is a big advantage,” says Marco Müller. “We are delighted to have the speech technology tools of our partner EML at our disposal so that we can offer our customers tailor-made solutions which deliver the necessary decision criteria in real time.”
Both ASC and EML will present their solutions and technologies from February 21-23, 2017, at the CCW in Berlin, the international conference and trade show for customer communications services. The ASC stand is located in Hall 3, Stand H16/J15, EML´s booth is in Hall 2, Stand C19.
Find more best practice examples for the use of EML speech technology in the brochure "Use your Voice!"
For additional information please contact:
Dr Peter Saueressig
Head of Communications
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH
Berliner Str. 45
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (6221) 533245
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH was set up as a private IT company by SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira (1940-2015). EML develops software and technologies for automatic speech processing, focusing on the automatic conversion of speech into text (transcription) as used in telephony (speech analytics, voice mail) and mobile applications (voice texting, voice search.
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Weitere Informationen: "Use your Voice!" - brochure with best practice examples of EML speech technology
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