31.03.2014 11:09 - Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg
HMKW Professor elected Vice Chairman of ECREA Section
At the 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) of the European Communication Research and Education Association ECREA, Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira from HMKW Berlin was elected Vice Chairman of the ECREA section Organizational and Strategic Communication.
Since 2011 Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira, Program Director of the M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing at HMKW University for Applied Sciences in Media, Communication and Management in Berlin, contributes to the work of the European Communication Research and Education Association ECREA. In addition to presentations at several ECREA conferences, he organized the conference of the ECREA section Organizational and Strategic Communication (OSC) in 2015 at the University of Leipzig, where he worked as a research associate. Shortly thereafter, he became co-editor of the book "Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organizations - Challenges and Alternative Approaches" (Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press 2016) with the conference presentations on the topic of communication in the non-profit area. In 2018 he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Section Conference in Málaga, Spain. In the fall of this year, he applied together with two other members, the former co-vice chairwoman Dr. Isabel Mora-Ruiz (University of Málaga) and Dr. Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) as the new management team of the OSC Section. At the 7th European Communications Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, organized by the ECREA, the leadership teams of the 21 sections, the networks and the working groups were re-elected. Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira was voted the new vice chairman of the OSC Section with 86% of the votes and follows Dr. Gisela Gonçalves (University of Beira-Interior, Portugal). Former co-vice chairwoman Dr. Isabel Mora-Ruiz succeeds Dr. Ian Somerville (University of Leicester, United Kingdom).
HMKW congratulates their professor Dr. Evandro Oliveira sincerely to the successful application and is pleased to be represented as one of few private universities of applied sciences in an ECREA section management team.
List of papers and keynotes presented at ECREA conferences:
Oliveira, E. (2018) The Instigatory Theory of NGO Communication (ITNC). Paper presented at the /th ECREA European Communication Conference. Lugano, Switzerland, November 2018.
Oliveira, E. (2018) The concept of civic relations as a social communicative function. Paper presented at the conference „Corporate Social responsibility and Citizens´s Activism in times of political disruption“. ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section. Málaga, Spain, January 2018.
Oliveira, E. (2015) The other logic to Non-Profit Communication. Keynote at ECREA Organisational and Strategic Communication Section Conference. Strategic Communication for Non-Proft Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches. Leipzig, Germany, December 2015.
Oliveira, E. ; Wiesenberg, M. (2015) A model of four communication flows of NGO's and Churches legitimation. Keynote at ECREA Organisational and Strategic Communication Section Conference. Strategic Communication for Non-Proft Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches. Leipzig, Germany, December 2015.
Oliveira, E., & Gonçalves, G. (2014). Talk to me and I will talk for you: Relationships between citizens and politics on the example of Portuguese members of parliament online communication. Paper presented at the ECREA European Communication Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, November 2014.
Zerfass, A., Oliveira, E., & Verhoeven, P. (2014). Information flow and new media: challenges for job enactment and job satisfaction of communication professionals in Europe. Paper presented at the ECREA European Communication Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, November 2014.
Oliveira, E. (2011) Strategic Integrated Communication in non-profit organizations for citizen participation, activism and campaigns for changes. Paper presented at the ECREA Annual OSC Conference The Dialogue Imperative. Covilhã, Portugal, May 2011.
Weitere Informationen:
https://www.hmkw.de/en/detail-site/artikel/hmkw-professor-elected-vice-chair-of-... HMKW coverage
https://www.ecrea.eu/Organisational-and-Strategic-Communication ECREA website
https://www.hmkw.de/en/detail-site/artikel/the-development-of-worldwide-standard... On the PR Evening series initiated by Prof. Oliveira at HMKW Berlin
https://www.hmkw.de/en/university/teaching-staff/fachbereich-journalismus-und-ko... Profile Prof. Oliveira
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