IPR management at your fingertips
For those, seeking answers to IPR questions the KnowING IPR Helpdesk is available. You can find definitions explained, Frequently Asked Questions and a list of national contact points.
The KnowING IPR project is successfully steering towards the fostering innovation in the Danube Region through knowledge engineering and IPR management. The project will improve framework conditions for innovation in the Danube region by developing a transnational platform KnowlNG Hub Web Portal. The Hub provides the complete online infrastructure for access to enriched data, developed knowledge extraction tools and IPR management tools for both basic and more advanced users. It enables searches and data retrieval using browsers and mobile applications. It offers a complete KnowlNG Hub service online and it is available on https://www.knowing-ipr.eu/. For better user experience you can find training kits for providers, basic users, and advanced users at the KnowING HUB Training KITs. Reading and video materials for providers, basic users, and advanced users are available.
For those, seeking answers to IPR questions the KnowING IPR Helpdesk is available. You can find definitions explained, Frequently Asked Questions and a list of national contact points. The helpdesk will provide you support and instructions on technical and general protocol matters. It is specially dedicated to basic users who are new to the Hub and may have limited knowledge on IPR topics.
The KnowING IPR project is also dedicated to the improvement of IPR management in the region on the policy level. Throughout the research and two successful Policy workshops, policy recommendations are being prepared and will be available on the web page by the end of June.
There is more!
In the beginning of this year, The Mentoring programme in IPR, patenting and technology offer (MeetIPRhub) was designed to enable higher education institutions (HEI) and companies active in the automotive sector and automotive value chain to develop their IPR skills, to enhance their IPR based cooperation, to have access to IPR open data and to use IPR knowledge to advance their work and solve specific challenges.
Following the successful implementation of the mentoring programme and approved prolongation of the project duration until the end of 2021, the project will offer another round of events, targeting the SMEs, HEI and policy makers alongside the Mentoring experience. For more information about the project and upcomming events, please visit our website http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr.
KnowING IPR project Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management is co-funded by European Union funds ERDF, IPA, ENI.
Paul Haering, Steinbeis 2i GmbH
E-Mail: paul.haering@steinbeis-europa.de
Weitere Informationen:
http://www.knowing-ipr.eu/ - Webportal
http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr/section/knowing-hub-... - IPR Helpdesk
http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr - Further informations on ongoing project activities and events