The 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum – Digital. Dynamic. Interactive.
Registration for journalists is now open!
This September 20–23, the digital program of the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) offers exciting sessions on an interactive platform. Irrespective of online or in-person, the fundamental principle behind the HLF has not wavered: create a space for the brightest minds in mathematics and computer science to come together for interdisciplinary exchange. A real effort was made to provide some aspects that resemble the traditional HLF while being cleanly adapted for the digital environment.
Key sessions for journalists:
• Hot Topic panel discussion “Spread of Infectious Diseases” – Experts analyze conventional and novel models to better prepare for future outbreaks.
• Laureate Lectures with this year’s recipients Avi Wigderson (Abel Prize) and Scott Aaronson (ACM Prize in Computing).
• Lindau Lecture from Donna Strickland (Nobel Prize in Physics 2018).
• Panel discussion “Scientists Get Creative to Engage the Public in Science” – Panelists offer creative ways to engage the public and enhance science literacy.
• Panel discussion “The Scientific Vocation Revisited: Can Future Discoveries be Made by Artificial Intelligence?” – Experts analyze trends to see where AI is a powerful tool for creative research.
• Workshop “Pitch Your Science News and Opinion Stories to News and Magazine Editors” – Learn how to effectively pitch stories from editors of major publications in mathematics and computer science.
The 8th HLF is striving to verify that productive interplay with sustainable consequences is possible. An array of opportunities will be provided, initiating contact in a speed-networking round that can be expanded in an virtual reality environment.
Only the Hot Topic session is livestreamed and the other material will be uploaded to the HLF YouTube channel after the forum has concluded. All journalists interested in covering the 8th HLF should register via our online tool:
Journalists who want to organize interviews with laureates, speakers or other participants should contact:
Please check out our website regularly for updates regarding the program, starting times, daily schedule, participating laureates and technical details:
The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) annually organizes the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), which is a networking event for mathematicians and computer scientists from all over the world. The HLFF was established and is funded by the German foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), which promotes natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. The Scientific Partners of the HLF are the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and Heidelberg University. It is also strongly supported by the award-granting institutions, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the International Mathematical Union (IMU), and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA).
Press Inquiries/Contact for Journalists
Nicole Schmitt
Wylder Green
Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation
Telephone: +49 6221 533-384
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