Transparency in animal research: a virtual tour of the animal facility at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute
A virtual tour of the animal facility of the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience shows how research animals are kept, cared for, and fed.
What is the favorite snack of macaques? How are marmosets housed? Which room is a must-stop for anyone before entering the rodent husbandry? A 360-degree tour of the animal facility gives all the answers. This newly created feature on the website of the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Frankfurt/Main shows how research animals are kept, cared for, and fed.
Only those who communicate transparently about animal research can hope to demystify the subject and achieve greater understanding among the general public. For this reason, the ESI has published this virtual tour of its animal facilities.
Click here for the tour:
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