Current figures on the bioplastics market: IfBB presents new edition of "Biopolymers - facts and statistics“
(Hanover, 09.03.2023) What are the forecasts for the current bioplastics market? With the new edition of its brochure "Biopolymers - facts and statistics 2022", the IfBB publishes a comprehensive overview of the market.
The brochure contains freshly updated data on the market, raw material, water and space requirements. The brochure offers a quick and easy-to-understand overview of current market-relevant and technical facts in the bioplastics sector, for example comparative market figures on individual materials, regions and applications, process routes, graphs on land use, resource and water consumption, diagrams on production capacities, geographical distribution and applications.
"Biopolymers - facts and statistics" is designed to provide both decision-makers in politics, society and industry and scientists with concrete and reliable answers quickly and easily.
The brochure can be downloaded free of charge from the IfBB website:
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