Change of leadership at the ECDF: Tabea Flügge and Martin Gersch succeed Gesche Joost as dual leadership
The members of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) have elected a new Board of Directors, starting their two-year term on October 18, 2024. Professors Tabea Flügge and Martin Gersch were chosen as dual spokespersons, succeeding Gesche Joost, who stepped down to become President of the Goethe-Institut. TU Berlin professors Timm Teubner and Andrea Cominola were elected as deputy spokespersons. The new board will lead ECDF through its second funding phase, "ECDF - Next Generation," focusing on Transforming Communities, Sustainable Cities, and Digital Health, and aims to continue its work beyond 2028.
The members of the Einstein Center Digital Future have elected a new Board of Directors. The official start of the two-year term of office was October 18, 2024. At the constituent meeting of the ECDF Board of Directors, Professors Tabea Flügge and Martin Gersch were elected as the new dual spokespersons of the ECDF.
"We are delighted that our colleagues have placed their trust in us to firmly anchor digitalization research in Berlin's scientific landscape and to set up the ECDF for continuation beyond 2028. This is the only way we can successfully tackle the long-term challenges of digitalization," say Tabea Flügge and Martin Gersch, who are taking over from Gesche Joost. Gesche Joost will remain with the ECDF as an Associate Researcher, having been the Center's Spokesperson since June 2023. She stepped down to take up her new role as President of the Goethe-Institut in November 2024. TU professors Timm Teubner and Andrea Cominola were elected as deputies for the two spokespersons.
The ECDF Board of Directors is made up of a total of six ECDF professors from the various Berlin universities, supplemented by a representative of the associated researchers and a representative of the academic staff/postdocs. A member of the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers of the Berlin universities is also a member of the governing body.
Officially elected by the members of the ECDF:
- Prof. Tabea Flügge (spokesperson), Professor of Digital Technologies for the Reconstruction of Complex Facial Defects, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, as representative for the professors of the ECDF
- Prof. Timm Teubner (Deputy Spokesperson), Professor of Digital Service Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, as representative for the professors of the ECDF
- Prof. Andrea Cominola (Deputy Spokesperson), Professor of Smart Water Networks/Digital Networking of Water and Wastewater Systems, Technische Universität Berlin, as representative for the ECDF professors
- Prof. Philipp Staab, Professor of Sociology of Work, Economy and Technological Change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, as representative for the professors of the ECDF
- Prof. Daniel Fürstenau, Professor of Business Administration, IT Management and Digital Transformation, Freie Universität Berlin, as representative for the professors of the ECDF
- Prof. Michelle Christensen, Professor of Open Science / Critical Culture, Technische Universität Berlin/Universität der Künste Berlin, as representative for the professors of the ECDF
- Prof. Martin Gersch(Spokesperson), Professor of Business Administration, Information and Organization, Freie Universität Berlin, as representative of the ECDF Associate researcher
- Laura Rothfritz, research assistant at the Chair of Information Management, Institute of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, as representative for the
PhDs and Postdocs of the ECDF
- Dr. Christine Kurmeyer, Central Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, delegated by the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Berlin's universities
New research priorities and continuation beyond 2028
The new Board of Directors will lead the ECDF through the second funding phase "ECDF - Next Generation", which runs until March 2028. The members of the Board form a cross-section of the various scientific disciplines at the ECDF, reflect the new focus areas of the second funding phase - Transforming Communities, Sustainable Cities and Digital Health - and represent the various universities involved in the ECDF. At the same time, the Board of Directors is working to continue the ECDF's work beyond 2028.
The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is an interdisciplinary research center of Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Universität der Künste Berlin.
It sees itself as a cross-university nucleus for researching and promoting digital structures in science, business and society. The center creates links in the field of digitalization, develops new forms of cooperation, focuses on innovative, interdisciplinary cutting-edge research and attracts excellently trained young scientific talent to Berlin.
The first funding phase (2017-2023) of the ECDF was approved by the Einstein Foundation Berlin in 2016. Thanks to the public-private partnership funding instrument, in which the Berlin Senate, the Governing Mayor, scientific institutions and companies participate, 45 ECDF professors were appointed at Berlin universities and colleges in the first funding phase. In July 2022, following a successful evaluation by an international panel of experts, the Executive Board of the Einstein Foundation decided to fund the ECDF for a further five years until March 31, 2028. On April 1, 2023, the ECDF thus entered the second funding phase "ECDF-Next Generation".
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