Fraunhofer IAF Launches Virtual Application Lab for Quantum Sensing
To promote the use of quantum sensors in industry, Fraunhofer IAF has developed a virtual application laboratory for quantum sensing. This innovative information platform provides comprehensive technical knowledge about quantum magnetometers, applications, and measurement scenarios. It also allows interested parties from industry and research to interactively perform sample measurements and assess the potential of this groundbreaking technology for their needs. Access is available through the website
Quantum sensors enable extremely precise measurements and offer enormous potential, especially in materials testing, the semiconductor industry, and biomedicine. “With our virtual application lab for quantum sensing, we support industry and science in exploring the possibilities of quantum sensors and evaluating solutions for specific application scenarios,” explains Deborah Mohrmann, project manager and business developer at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF. “This platform makes our technologies and expertise available to a broad audience and promotes the transfer of our research results into industrial innovations.”
Explore and test quantum sensors
The virtual application lab provides an overview of the quantum sensors used at Fraunhofer IAF and their possible applications. It features three quantum magnetometers and offers detailed technical information and explanations of the different measurement principles of the devices. The core of the application lab are interactive measurements that showcase measurement scenarios from the fields of materials testing, micro- and nanoelectronics, and biomedicine. For each sector, users can run through several measurement scenarios, retrieve individual results, or get an overall evaluation. Whether it’s nanoparticles in biological tissue, crack formations in metallic samples, or magnetic fields in microelectronic circuits—quantum magnetometers can visualize magnetic field distributions at the smallest level and provide relevant information about the samples.
Easy access to expert knowledge
With the virtual application lab for quantum sensing, companies and institutions benefit from easy access to the latest expertise on how quantum sensors work and where they can be used, as well as the ability to assess the benefits and application potential of the devices for their specific needs. The accompanying website provides extensive information on quantum sensing and its potential applications. Professional contacts from research and technology transfer are available to share their knowledge and provide advice.
The content and technical concept of the virtual application lab for quantum sensing were developed by Fraunhofer IAF. The technical implementation was carried out by the Service Center Training and Knowledge Transfer of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. The initiative was funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Fraunhofer IAF’s own resources.
On-site testing
In addition, Fraunhofer IAF has established a physical application laboratory for quantum sensing at the institute’s location in Freiburg, Germany. Interested companies, SMEs, and start-ups can conduct magnetic field measurements with their own samples on site and test the use of quantum magnetometers for their applications. Fraunhofer IAF uses quantum magnetometers based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. These single atomic systems act as highly sensitive magnetic field sensors, can operate at room temperature and in background fields, and enable extremely high spatial resolution. These properties make quantum magnetometers ideal for industrial applications.
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