Around 4.500 years old burials of Bell Beaker Culture warriors discovered near Förderstedt, Saxony-Anhalt
In advance of the construction of the SuedOstLink direct current powerline, the State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology (LDA) Saxony-Anhalt is currently carrying out archaeological investigations along the route between Wolmirstedt near Magdeburg and Droyßig in the Burgenland district. As part of these archaeological investigations, graves from the Eneolithic Bell Beaker culture (2500 to 2050 BC) with intriguing finds were now uncovered near Förderstedt (Salzlandkreis).
In advance of the construction of the SuedOstLink direct current powerline, the State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology (LDA) Saxony-Anhalt is currently carrying out archaeological investigations. At various points along the route, excavations provide interesting, sometimes unexpected new insights into the history of use of the cultural landscape between Wolmirstedt and the southern state border near Droyßig. As part of these archaeological investigations, graves from the Eeneolithic Bell Beaker culture (2500 to 2050 BC) with intriguing finds were uncovered near Förderstedt (Salzlandkreis).
Bell Beaker Culture
The Bell Beaker Culture, named after the characteristic shape of its ceramic vessels, spread across Europe from 2500 BC. It does not have a consistent distribution. Rather, the communities exist like islands next to groups with different material culture. The Bell Beaker Culture buried their dead in a crouched position on their sides, differentiated according to gender: women lay on the right side with their head to the south, men on the left side with their head to the north. The view was always to the east. The grave goods were often rather sparse, mostly limited to one or a few ceramic vessels. However, some of the dead are marked as warriors by the addition of arrowheads, wrist guards and copper daggers or received jewelry as grave offerings. References to copper metallurgy are rarer. The earliest gold discoveries in Central Germany are also associated with the Bell Beaker Culture.
Burials near Förderstedt
Near Förderstedt, at least ten graves of the Bell Beaker Culture were discovered along the route of the SuedOstLink. Three of the cemetery's burials, which were originally covered by a burial mound, are currently being uncovered. The graves were found at a depth of about two meters and are well preserved.
One of the graves is equipped with a bell beaker, which probably contained food items. The second grave, probably that of a man due to the left side position, in addition to a vessel contained a stone wrist guard measuring 8x4 cm. It is made of Gotland sandstone, which was transported by glaciers to Central Germany during the Ice Age. Wrist guards, worn on the forearm, help to protect from string buzz when the bow is shot. Even without the presence of arrows, the buried person can therefore be identified as a warrior or hunter. Arrows, however, accompanied the person buried in the third grave. The individual was again lying on the left. Two arrowheads were found next to his back in a discoloration of the soil which could indicate a past quiver of organic material.
“Evidence for organic objects, such as the possible quiver discovered here, are very rare. That's what makes this find so special," explained Susanne Friedrich, head of the archaeological monument preservation department at the LDA Saxony-Anhalt, "It is thanks to the close coordination with the network operator 50Hertz and our professional employees on site that even such special finds do not lead to delays in construction preparations”.
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