Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg Establish Northwest Alliance
The universities of Oldenburg and Bremen are jointly establishing the “Northwest Alliance.” A memorandum of understanding was signed by the university administrations and the heads of the Bremen and Lower Saxony science departments on the sidelines of the science ministers' conference in Berlin.
The aim of the Northwest Alliance is to create a joint research and outreach space to make the cluster of cutting-edge research in the northwest more visible internationally – with important impulses for the region. The privileged international partner is the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands). Other non-university research institutes as well as social and economic actors in the region are to follow as partners. In December, the academic senates of both universities unanimously endorsed the establishment of a Northwest Alliance in a joint meeting.
“With the Northwest Alliance, we are opening a new chapter of cooperation between our two universities,” emphasized Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, at the signing of the declaration. “The aim is to jointly advance excellent research that reinforces innovative teaching and transfer – not as an end in itself, but as a contribution to the transformation towards sustainability and out of a sense of social responsibility.”
President of the University of Oldenburg, Ralph Bruder, stated in Berlin: “Our collaboration already shows how science transcends regional and international borders. I am convinced that the Northwest Alliance will develop a very significant additional energy and provide important impetus for the region – in terms of academic, economic, and cultural aspects.”
The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and the Senator's Office for the Environment, Climate, and Science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen also expressly welcome the founding of the Northwest Alliance:
“I am delighted that the universities of Bremen and Oldenburg are joining forces in a close partnership for cutting-edge research in northwestern Germany. Both bring a spirit of optimism, outstanding scientists, and many years of joint academic work to this alliance. They have the full support of the state of Lower Saxony for this wise and strategic process,” emphasized Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony's Minister for Science and Culture.
Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, emphasized: “The University of Bremen and the University of Oldenburg have been closely connected for many years. This fruitful cooperation will now become even closer, more cohesive, and more targeted. Together with non-university research institutes and the University of Groningen, they will form the Northwest Alliance. This cooperation will help us to overcome borders, both state and national. We are creating space for innovation and the exchange of knowledge. This alliance strengthens our research location, which we have been developing regionally and internationally for a long time. We are combining academic potential and strengths, sharing networks and, of course, knowledge in order to find the best solutions for a future worth living.”
Collaboration in Research, Teaching, and Outreach
The Northwest Alliance builds on the long-standing cooperation between the universities of Oldenburg and Bremen, which have been central players in research and academic education in northwestern Germany since their foundation around 50 years ago. The aim is to create a shared research and knowledge transfer space of a new quality with both academic and non-academic stakeholders. The alliance will bring together said stakeholders, deepen cooperation, and leverage additional potential to create greater visibility.
The two universities are already working closely together, for example in marine, polar, and climate research, computer science, health sciences, and energy research. The declared goal of the alliance is to expand these central research areas in a targeted manner and to incorporate them into the social and economic development of the region.
With this intention, the two universities want to further develop their activities in research, teaching, and outreach in a way that builds their profiles. At the same time, the legal independence and autonomy of the universities will be preserved. In research, for example, further development should be achieved by expanding joint areas of focus and facilities, mutual support in acquiring resources, shared use of research infrastructures, and intensified cooperation in appointment procedures. In addition, the offers for academic qualification are to be mutually opened. Both partners are also striving for stronger cooperation in the areas of studying, teaching, and outreach activities, as well as a joint strategy for personnel recruitment.
Planned Alliance Expansions
The University of Groningen plays a special role in this regard, having enjoyed a long-standing, trusting, and strategic relationship with both universities. As a “privileged partner university,” it is to play a major role in supporting the alliance. Jouke de Vries, President of the University of Groningen, expressly welcomes the initiative: “The founding of the Northwest Alliance is of great importance for the development of our border region and sends a strong European signal. We are thus forming a strategic alliance for even more knowledge transfer. I am convinced that we, as universities, our future partners, and the people of our shared region, will greatly benefit from this.”
The Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst, which emerged in 1995 from the research-oriented cooperation between the universities of Oldenburg and Bremen as a foundation supported by the Federal States of Bremen and Lower Saxony and the city of Delmenhorst, also plays a central role in the alliance. With fellowships for outstanding researchers from around the world, the HWK makes an important contribution to the international networking of the scientific landscape in northwestern Germany.
The Northwest Alliance is to be expanded in the future to include non-university and, in addition, social and economic actors, with whom close contact has already existed in the region; corresponding discussions with non-university institutes in the region are currently being conducted. The memorandum of understanding for the founding of the Northwest Alliance is the decisive step. In the coming months, the necessary legal, institutional, and financial framework conditions for the intensified cooperation between the universities and other participating institutions will be prepared. In this context, for example, the legal framework between the federal states is to be coordinated and the necessary contracts concluded.
Wissenschaftlicher Ansprechpartner:
Dr. Maike Koschorreck
Adviser to the University Executive Board for Excellence and Strategic University Development
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60018
Email: maike.koschorreck@vw.uni-bremen.de
Dr. Corinna Dahm-Brey
University of Oldenburg
Head of Press & Communication
Phone: +49 (0)441 798-2892
Email: corinna.dahm@uol.de
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